Safeguarding Newsletters
Each month, we will be focusing on a different aspect of safeguarding and creating a newsletter to help give tips to keep children safe.
If you have any concerns or questions about these newsletters, you can speak to any of our Senior Leadership Team and we will be happy to help you.
This term's theme is all about racism.
If you have any questions, concerns or queries, please contact someone at school.
If you have any questions or queries about any of this information, please don't hesitate to come and speak to us!
Here is some information about how to support your child's mental health and wellbeing at home.
This month's focus is Prevent. Prevent is about safeguarding people and communities from the threat of terrorism.
Here is some information about what Prevent is and how we can spot signs. See picture two for information given by other safeguarding partners: Northumbria Police, Prevent, Newcastle City Council and ACT.
September 2022 - ESafety